Member Center
RWCU welcomes you, our valued member to our home grown, in house developed RWCUREWARDS program. In addition to our great financial products and services we hope to bring some more savings to your everyday life by joining forces with local businesses.
In this day and age, you are flooded with many coupons, online ads, billboards and different advertising mediums. Most of these are large national and regional companies vying for your attention. It is increasingly difficult for small local business to compete, businesses near your homes and workplaces. RWCUREWARDS program merges our passion for providing value to our members and support for small local businesses.
Our discount program is meant to be simple and FREE of charge to everyone involved. In order to exercise any discount listed on this website, all you need to do is identify yourself as RWCU member; show your RWCU debit or credit card for example.
You live and work in this community. In all likelihood, you have local shop or service provider you enjoy. If you wish to have any of your favorite local businesses added to our RWCUREWARDS program, we would love to hear from you. Please let us know few details about this business and we will do our best to make a contact and add them to our RWCUREWARDS program.